Second edition now available!

Max Maths Primary: A Singapore Approach is a highly effective approach to teaching maths, based on research and substantial evidence, where ALL pupils succeed. Each core mathematics concept is taught through a method called Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract. This methodology ensures students learn to think mathematically as opposed to learning by rote topics and concepts they just don’t understand. Max Maths primary: A Singapore Approach will help them to develop higher level cognitive skills which will support deeper learning and enable greater progression.
The second edition has been updated to the current Cambridge syllabus. Units have been reordered to match the new curriculum learning journey and the content has been updated to cover the new Learning Objectives.
Below are some examples of new features and content from across the series:
- Increased focus on Odd and Even numbers
- Practical activities for measuring objects in kg and g
- New unit: Area and Perimeter
- Covers subtracting fractions with the same denominator
- Using symbols to represent quantities in addition and subtraction calculations
- Organising, representing and interpreting dot plots
- Composing, decomposing and regrouping numbers with up to 3 decimal places
At a glance
- Student Books (print and digital formats available)
- Workbooks
- Journals
- Teacher’s Guide
- Teacher’s Presentation Kit
About the series
- An accessible and effective approach with carefully scaffolded activities throughout
- Exercises which are designed to develop thinking and problem solving skills through both independent and collaborative learning
- Clear explanations of new mathematical terms, with full-colour illustrations to support students whose first language is not English
- 100% match to the Cambridge Primary Maths Curriculum Framework (stages 1-6)
- A full teacher training programme on world-class maths pedagogy, and on teaching maths in English.
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