Through thorough study, mastering reading and writing in English ought to be easy, although many find it tough. The chances are, even as a native speaker of English, you read that sentence twice! The various spelling and pronunciation combinations found in English make learning to…
Read moreWelcome to our blog on the CPA approach, written by primary maths consultant, Andrew Jeffrey. At the end of this post, you will find a FREE exemplar lesson plan, which we hope you will find useful. Introduction The term ‘CPA’, which stands for ‘Concrete, Pictorial,…
Read moreThe skills of recording and presenting data collected during scientific enquiries is the fifth skill area covered in this series of primary science blogs. What types of recording should we start developing from an early age? Most young learners starting school are already starting to…
Read moreThe ability to collect data by making observations and measurements during enquiries is the fourth skill area covered in this series of primary ‘scientific enquiry’ blogs. Why are the skills of observing and measuring so important in scientific enquiries? This skill strand lies at…
Read moreThe ability to plan investigations is the third skill area covered in this series of primary ‘scientific enquiry’ blogs. What are the thinking skills involved in planning? Planning an investigation is a demanding skill. It relies on a learner’s ability to think ahead…
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