Spelling Rules!
About the series:
Teachers can feel confident when using this outstanding resource as it provides strategies to move spelling from the working memory to the long-term memory – making spelling stick.
At a glance:
- A whole-school, sequential programme that takes a phonemic approach – it focuses on known sounds and letter patterns when introducing spelling rules
- An approach that allows students to develop different kinds of spelling knowledge so that they learn to spell while also increasing their vocabulary
- Quirky and fun illustrations
- Reflection boxes that allow students to assess their progress
Grammar Rules!
About the series:
Grammar Rules! provides a context-based approach, demonstrating how grammar works at the word, sentence and text levels to communicate and make meaning
At a glance:
- A sequential, whole-school programme that is systematic and fun
- Each unit covers a range of informative, imaginative and persuasive texts and is based on a model text that establishes the context for the grammar focus
- Allows students to understand how to use grammar when constructing their own texts and responding to the texts of others in the real world
You can check out our interactive guide to Spelling and Grammar Rules! here.